Paralio Astros is easily accessible using long-distance buses (KTEL). Pls check below the contacts details from the relevant bus stations all over Greece.
- Kifissos (Αθήνα): (+30) 210 5134575
- Piraeus : (+30) 210 8225148
- Patras : (+30) 2610 270780
- Thessaloniki: (+30) 2310 545433
- Tripoli: (+30) 2710 222560
- Kalamata: (+30) 27210 26428
- (Inland) Astros: (+30) 27550 22218
- Paralio Astros: (+30) 27550 51301
Α) From Athens | To Athens |
(07:00 Piraeus – Athens) | 06:45 Daily except Sundays |
07:45 Astros | 09:30 Daily |
11:15 Astros | 17:30 Daily |
16:00 Astros | 18:30 Daily except Saturdays (during summer period only) |
18:30 Astros |
Β) From Tripoli | To Tripoli |
05:30 Weekdays | 07:00 Daily except Sundays |
13:15 Daily | 14:35 Daily |
17:00 Only Fridays | 18:00 Only Fridays |
C) From Kalamata
To reach Paralio Astros from Kalamata by bus take the bus line from Kalamata to Tripoli at 12:45 (weekdays). Change at Tripoli and then choose an itinerary from the available timetable to Astros.
On the way back follow the respective bus route Astros to Tripoli, change at Tripoli and take the itinerary towards Kalamata at 8:30 (weekdays).